The integrated concept for the inner city of Lviv
With the support of the project, the City of Lviv produced The Integrated Development Concept (IDC) for the Historical Old City of Lviv. The concept was formally adopted by the Lviv City Council on the 21st April 2011, and was the first of such concepts to be adopted in Ukraine.
The purpose of the IDC is to concretize the city’s general urban development plans, in particular those laid out by the “Sustainable Development Strategy for the City of Lviv”, and the “Strategic Plan for the Preservation of the Historical Inner City of Lviv”. The IDC is concerned with all the important measures and projects related to the regeneration of the historical inner city of Lviv over the next ten years. It differentiates between currently ongoing undertakings, short, middle and long-term measures, and potential projects that the city administration, other public bodies and local stakeholders are implementing or considering.
The measures and projects are categorized by sector under the following headings: Cultural Heritage and Housing; Public Space; Transport and Technical Infrastructure; Tourism and Culture; Commercial Enterprise and Retail; and Education and Social Provision.The potential overlapping effects of different projects thus become apparent, and their impacts are crucial to the strategic approach adopted by the IDC and the future development of the city.
Reasons why Lviv needs an integrated development concept:
- It is an aid to administrative decision-makers, and helps them to plan and allocate public funds efficiently,
- It is a control and monitoring tool that helps the city administration optimize its actions,
- It provides citizens with a clear and transparent overview of municipal and private planning and projects,
- It is an important basis for the acquisition of national and international financing and funding.
Notable dates in the development of the IDC
1. December 2009: A working group is set up to steer the overall development of the IDC. The working group initially consists of representatives of different city administration departments, relevant institutions and NGOs.
2. March 2010: The working group begins to gather and collate information about public and private projects and project proposals in the city.
3. June 2010: A large-scale civic forum is organized.
Current projects and proposals are presented to the public. Participants are invited to comment on the projects and make suggestions.
4. July – December 2010: Projects are rated by importance, feasibility and expected impacts. General objectives and guidelines for the development of the historical inner city over the next ten years are defined.
5. April 2011: The IDC is presented to the twelve municipal advisory committees, and is then formally adopted by the City Council on April 21st 2011.
6. May 2011 – to date: The working group meets regularly. The progress of the projects is monitored and the project catalogue is updated. Project assessments are re-evaluated as necessary.